Monday, October 15, 2007

How to be heroic

If there are any heroes in Wild Thorns their identities are nearly hidden and their virtues are certainly confused. However, Basil stands out in my mind as certainly the closest thing to a heroic character that the novel might have. Simply put, Basil's a badass. He goes from simple schoolboy to freedom fighter in only the time it takes for him to curse a soldier.
The meanness and coldheartedness he displays at the end of the novel by demeaning his family is more due to how fed up he is with the situation and the fact that no one is doing anything than him just being a bad guy. He has the conviction of Usama without the fanaticism and the ideals of Adil without the ridiculous and dangerous pacifism.

For a significantly lighter take on the situation in Palestine check out this video:

1 comment:

lindasthoughts said...

I think Basil has remained truer to the cause because unlike Usama who left, Basil was too young to leave and has lived with the occupation through his entire life.