Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Missing Out

It is truly amazing that Saladin is a king who, in my past, I can only remember meeting in film, and only one film at that. Shortly after reading his brief history, followed by the selection from the Decameron I found myself wondering which king, in the past, I could look up to that would have been like him, except of European heritage.
After hours of thinking I found myself more apt to quibble among my thoughts as to what exactly a European was, rather than to be able to start naming names. In fact, the best I could come up with in terms of finding a king as noble as Saladin was the mythical King Arthur. It really makes me sad, but with a sense of wonderment, that in order to find a king to rival Saladin’s greatness, except from my background, I had to resort to myth.
Why is a man so great neglected so often in the teaching of history?

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